All the PDM tools

TaskAction: Chain multiple myPDMtools actions in a single SOLIDWORKS PDM task
CacheRefresh: Perform operations on the SOLIDWORKS PDM view
DocPublication: Automatically generate your PDF files when validating your drawings

DocBundle: Create a PDF document bundle containing all the documents needed to build a project

TraceWorkflow: View the status of the document in the PDM Workflow

PDMViewer: Viewing PDM attributes of selected components in eDrawings

PDMSearch: Advanced and fast search in SOLIDWORKS PDM
PDMCheck: Start a database analysis from a context-sensitive menu
PDMReport: On demand report for PDM admins

PDMOutsourcing: Makes it easy to exchange documents for subcontracting

CopyLink: Create and copy hypertext links from documents selected in the vault
PDMMessage: Exchange relevant information, thanks to a message template
DynamicList: Predefine a list of choices based on a value from the previous list
DataRecovery: Make a copy and a mass archive of a Windows tree to PDM, without having memory constraints
PDMProperties: Populate all the variables of the data cards of several selected files

PDMPropertiesCard: easily and error-free add information from a PDM data card to multiple files

TaskProperties: Define properties for a PDM task

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